NON features in Japan Organization of Occupational Health and Safety web video.


Japan Organization of Occupational Health and Safety is a corporation under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, established based on the Independent Administrative Agency Labor Health and Safety Act (Act No.171 of 2002). Based on these three principles, “enhancement of worker’s medical care”, “improvement of worker safety” and “enhancement of occupational health”, it plays a major role in supporting the life of each worker.


However, little is known about Japan Organization of Occupational Health and Safety and what they are actually doing.

We have NON help us explain a little bit more about it.


There are 4 types of videos:

  1. Occupational health and safety activity project

We will fully support the health, mind, and body of people who work.

  1. Occupational Health Support Center

The occupational health support center will support workplaces and systems for balancing work.


  1. Regional Occupational Health Center

In the local industry, worker's health consultation and health guidance services can be provided free of charge to businesses and workers in small business establishments with less than 50 workers.


  1. Mental health support

Free support for mental health in the workplace.


Click here for a list of support centers:


Labor Health and Safety Organization