10/26 (Wed.) 10:00 p.m. -] Nonn will do a reading in "Nekomentary Neko mo, Shakusi mo" [NHK E-television].



A cat was always by the writer's side.
In this era of an unprecedented cat boom, when cats are everywhere, what do "people who write about things" see in cats?

In the documentary program "Nekomentary: Neko mo, shakuho mo," which follows writers who live with cats, NON will appear as a reader.
Okada Kikuko, a children's literature writer, lives in Yokohama with her eight cats, including her 16-year-old brothers Kotaro and Mashiro, both of whom are shelter cats that she has taken in and raised.
NON will read from a newly written essay written with the cats in mind.

Please come and watch.



■Program Outline
Program name: "Nekomentary: Neko mo, shakusi mo
Broadcasting station: NHK E-television
Broadcast Date: 10/26 (Wed.) from 10:00 p.m.

・Program WEB site